Welcome to the Chunkster Reading Challenge - a challenge which satisfies those readers who like their books fat and chunky!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chunkster Challenge 2011 - SIGN UPS

I have a lot to do to wrap up this challenge for 2010 (those participating have until January 31, 2011 to complete the 2010 challenge!). I know many of you have posted your review links (there are over 225 reviews posted!!!) and I want to get the Chunky Book Suggestions page updated with all the fabulous books read in 2010. Don't forget to leave a link to your wrap up post for 2010 (or leave me a comment letting me know you finished!). So while I'm updating the blog and getting things tidied up...I thought I'd give you all a chance to sign up for the 2011 Challenge which will run from...

February 1, 2011 through January 31, 2012

Below are the details and sign ups for 2011 ... I've made a few changes which I hope you will like...ie: I've added another level of participation AND I've changed the number of books you need to read for each level.

Definition of a Chunkster:

  • A chunkster is 450 pages or more of ADULT literature (fiction or nonfiction) ... A chunkster should be a challenge.
  • If you read large type books your book will need to be 525 pages or more ... The average large type book is 10-15% longer or more so I think that was a fair estimate.
The Rules:
  • No Audio books in the chunkster. It just doesn't seem right. Words on paper for this one folks. (**Please view THIS POST FOR EXCEPTIONS to this rule)
  • No e-Books allowed - we are reading traditional, fat books for this challenge (please see this post to understand the rationale behind this rule; please see this post for exceptions to this rule)
  • Short Stories and Essay collections will not be counted.
  • Books may crossover with other challenges
  • Anyone may join. If you don't have a blog, just leave me a comment on this post with your progress (and to let me know you are playing)
  • You don't need to list your books ahead of time.
  • Once you pick a level, that's it...you're committed to that level!
You must pick a level of participation:

  1. The Chubby Chunkster - this option is for the reader who wants to dabble in large tomes, but really doesn't want to commit to much more than that. FOUR Chunksters is all you need to finish this challenge.
  2. The Plump Primer - this option is for the slightly heavier reader who wants to commit to SIX Chunksters over the next twelve months.
  3. Do These Books Make my Butt Look Big? - this option is for the reader who can't resist bigger and bigger books and wants to commit to SIX Chunksters from the following categories: 2 books which are between 450 - 550 pages in length; 2 books which are 551 - 750 pages in length; 2 books which are GREATER than 750 pages in length (for ideas, please refer to the book suggestions page for some books which fit into these categories).
  4. Mor-book-ly Obese - This is for the truly out of control chunkster. For this level of challenge you must commit to EIGHT or more Chunksters of which three tomes MUST be 750 pages or more. You know you want to.....go on and give in to your cravings.
Want Suggestions of what to read?

Check out the Chunky Book Suggestions page.

To review or not to review, that is the quesion...
Reviews are not mandatory, but they are strongly encouraged. I will be putting up a Mr. Linky at the beginning of the challenge for links to your reviews. I will also be posting a Mr. Linky for wrap up posts at the end of the challenge.

To sign up, please use Mr. Linky below by linking DIRECTLY to your post about the challenge (please, please - do NOT link to your main blog page!!). If you do not have a blog, please just leave a comment telling me you are joining the challenge. Thanks!

1. Nathalie @ Books about Books
2. Becky @ Becky's Book Reviews
3. Rae Reads
4. Amy
5. Lynne
6. Paul @ Somerset Books
7. Amanda R
8. Christina (Ardent Reader)
9. Dusky Literati
10. Violette
11. Martha G
12. Laura@ The Scarlet Letter
13. Rita Silva
14. Julie @ Reading Without Restraint
15. Michel
16. Amused (Amused By Books)
17. Shonna (Canadian Bookworm)
18. Robin @ Robin's Reads
19. Book Snob Wannabe
20. Hillary
21. Alyce (At Home With Books)
22. Emily (Seriously Reading)
23. Caitlin (chaotic compendiums)
24. Denise
25. Bailey (The Window Seat Reader)
26. Rahdragonfly
27. Mervi (Mervi's Book Reviews)
28. Kymmie @ Je Lirai
29. Jen (Crowded Bookshelves)
30. Brittanie (A Book Lover)
31. Reflections of a Book Addict
32. Jules (Jules' Book Reviews)
33. Aimee @ Poisoned Apples
34. Nan's Corner of the Web
35. Julia
36. LifetimeReader @ LifetimeReadingPlan
37. Melissa (Life:Merging)
38. Jen
39. Jennygirl @ Jenny Loves To Read
40. Veronica
41. David Gorsline
42. Alicia
43. Bev@My Reader's Block
44. Jeff W @ My Cocaine
46. Wataya
47. Wendy (Caribousmom)
48. theoncominghope
49. Kate
50. Condorena
51. The Passive Voice
52. Linsey (Just Let Me Finish This Chapter)
53. Stefanie
54. Buffy
55. Natalie
56. Matt
57. Lorren @ The Story Girl
58. Rose City Reader
59. Sharon (Books to the Ceiling)
60. Malia
61. Alysha DeShaé
62. Jen (Jen and the Pen)
63. Condorena-Verghese,Cutting For Stone
64. Stacy (Stories & Stitches)
65. The Reading Geek
66. Marisa@Armchair Archives
67. Jen
68. RichLeC
69. M (@notarevolution)
70. The Illiterate Peanut
71. Carin (Caroline Bookbinder)
72. snack_size
73. My Round File
74. Ten Dollar Aviators
75. Lumyker
76. Marianne
77. Andrew
78. The Year of Difficult Reading
79. Kat
80. Michelle @ The True Book Addict
81. Michelle @ On and Off My Plate
82. Jenny O
83. JonnaDee
84. kim in ohio
85. Jo-Jo Loves to Read
86. Rebecca @ Notes Written in the Margins
87. Melissa (Remember to Breathe)
88. Coni (books and gardens)
89. DaisyChain @ chocolate covered books
90. Nisha
91. Biblio Baggins
92. Aoife (Hughes & Hughes Booksellers)
93. Young1
94. Sarah (A Rat in the Book Pile)
95. Kah Woei @ The Books of My Life
96. Tasha @ Book Obsessed
97. Sarah Reads Too Much
98. Colie @ Jump with Both Feet
99. Bex @ An Armchair by the Sea
100. Free Tv Shows Online
101. Melissa (The Betty and Boo Chronicles)
102. Aleksandra's Corner
103. Christina Rosendahl (the Literary Bunny)
104. Matt Stump
106. Cafeshree
107. Steve Morrison
108. Andrew (Decatur Rambler)
109. The Reading Life-
110. R @ journal de novo.
111. Julie @ Knitting and Sundries
112. Rose City Reader
113. Charlie @ Bitsy Bling Books
114. Cathy
115. Ricki @Reading Challenged
116. Jessica
117. Notorious Spinks Talks Books
118. Cathy Geagan
119. Cathy Geagan@ A Slice of Hope
120. sawcat
121. KC @ By the By Books
122. NaKesha @ Totally Obsessed
123. beastmomma
124. wutheringwillow
125. Mehak
126. Cheyanne
127. Reflections of a Book Addict (Jane Eyre 558)
128. Woof
129. Alicia (Fall of Giants, 985)
130. Tracy
131. The Story Girl - (Cat's Eye) - 460
132. Kat @ A Journey Into Reading:
133. Amy
134. Lily
135. Speedreader
136. Magda S
137. Melissa @ Jayne's Books
138. Laura @The Scarlet Letter (The Evolution of Bruno Littlemore) - 576


  1. I only blog about books about books, but there is a page for my reading challenges for 2011.

  2. I was looking forward to joining however, I try to use my e-reader as much as possible when I read chunksters because I have pain in my hands and wrists which make it difficult to hold big books. So, I'm out.

  3. I'm going for the Plump Primer. I'd go for Do These Books Make My Butt Look Big, but I haven't settled on which books I want to read yet. Although I plan to tackle the mother of all chunksters, War and Peace!

  4. Once again, I'm not doing this challenge because e-books aren't allowed.

  5. I think I'll do Chubby Chunkster, but I might read more.

  6. Maybe this will help me finally read "Ulysses."

  7. Teddy and Carrie: I'm sorry you are not doing the challenge because e-books are not allowed... I realize they are popular, but for this challenge both Dana (who originated the challenge) and I feel that part of the allure of the chunky book is actually having a physical book. In addition, I have no idea how to delineate number of pages for ebooks.

  8. Since i just stumbled upon this and it's do close to January, I'm going to go with the chubby chunkster :)

  9. I may try to do this - probably the beginning level of 4. Need to look through my planned reads for 2011 and see how many pages we're talking.

  10. I'm going to try for four...maybe six.

  11. I'll do the Mor-book-ly Obese level. Over the course of a year I generally meet these criteria anyway, so it shouldn't be hard to make sure I do in 2011. Many of my favorite books are fat! :)

  12. I'm trying to motivate myself to read more this coming year and since a lot of the books on my TBR mountain meet the chunkster criteria, I'd love to participate in this challenge. My goal is level 2 (6 chunksters). :)

  13. I'm going for the Do These Books Make My Butt Look Big level and already have some books in mind.

  14. I've joined and I'm choosing the "easy" route - Chubby Chunkster. Can't wait to see the list of last year's books for suggestions.

  15. I will be vicariously participating due to my use of an e-reader (Kindle) but will be choosing books that have a dead tree edition of the proper word count. I do a good deal of reading during down times at work but due to the work I do, can't lug big tomes with me. Kindle is a wonderful thing for me...

    I will track my progress on my blog and credit this challenge as inspiration but will respect your rules and not link my posts here or use the name of the challenge or any of its terminology other than crediting it for inspiring me. I will link to it in case anyone reading my blog wants to come over and join up here!

    I hope that is acceptable, and if e-versions of books that meet the description as paper volumes become an acceptable way to participate at some point, I will so be here!

    I am going to aim for 6 books and probably focus on the Outlander series and maybe a super-size Dickens or two, as a way to push myself to read some books I've meant to get around to forever.

  16. I always forget that this one starts in February. :) I've got my post linked up though.

  17. Committing to Chubby Chunkster!

  18. I'm going for Chubby Chunkster.

  19. I'm going for the Do These Books Make my Butt Look Big?

  20. This is my first time participating, and I'm going all out and committing to the Mor-book-ly Obese level...should be fun!

  21. Hi everyone - first time attempting - I'll be going for eight chunkster books!

  22. Not sure why but adding myself through the mister linky isn't working :-\

  23. Life and 100 Books: I don't know why it wasn't working for you...but I've added your link for you :) welcome to the challenge!

  24. Omnivorous Reader: That is absolutely fine...I understand there are several people who want to read ebooks instead of physical books...and maybe next year I'll re-think this rule; but for now I am keeping this challenge "traditional" ...

  25. I love this challenge! It's one of the few I completed last year.

  26. I'm going for The Plump Primer...it's the "Adult fiction or nonfiction" that's going to be the stumper. I'm so drawn to YA fiction!

  27. I'm going for the Plump Primer.

  28. Awesome! Hello Everyone and happy to join the challenge :) Thanks for hosting.

  29. I also think the e-reader ban is bogus. It's been shown that reading from an e-reader takes longer, so why the ban? Is there any rule against re-reading a book. I've really wanted to go back and read "Man in Full" again.

  30. Baby steps: Chubby Chunkster this year.

  31. I went back and forth but I figure if you're going to do something, do it right...so my goal is to become Mor-book-ly Obese!

  32. Ok, this sounds fun. Curious why "Infinite Jest" isn't on the recommended list. I plan on rereading it this year. Oh, I'll be going for the DTBMMBLB category. Cheers!

  33. PS: Mr. Linky wont let you sign up without a URL.

  34. Yosarian: Thanks for letting me know that Mr. Linky doesn't let you sign up without a URL, so non bloggers (or those without a URL) can simply leave a comment telling me they are joining! I've changed it in the post. Re: Infinite Jest and other chunky books not found on the recommended list - I have to update the list (just haven't had time) and the list is only including those books which have been read by participants.

  35. I've been eyeing this...finally just gave in. Link is up. Thanks for hosting! I have books that aren't on your list...if that matters. I've given the page counts for my bound copies.

  36. Mor-book-ly-obese. Should be killer.

  37. Chubby chunkster for me this year. Writing a screenplay and such. List of possible books:

    1. Look Homeward Angel by Thomas Wolfe
    2. Ringolevio by Emmett Grogan
    3. The Runaway Soul by Harold Brodsky
    4. Harlot's Ghost by Norman Mailer

  38. I'm hesitating between "The Plump Primer" & "Do These Books Make my Butt Look Big?" : I'll make my choice after having design my books list.

  39. Yay I'm looking forward to this! Plump primer ahoy.

  40. Hello. I've decided to re-enter the world of blogging (after a long break) in order to take on this fun reading challenge as a Plump Primer.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I am signing up for mid-level 'Do These Books Make my Butt Look Big?' as then little danger of failure. If I carry on beyond, may post reviews anyway! My bookshelves are Mor-book-ly Obese, that is for sure!

    On my immediate list are
    Ken Follett - World Without End
    Hilary Mantell - Wolf Hall
    Umberto Eco - Island of the Day Before

  43. Wendy, I don't know about all e-readers, but my Nook indicates standard pagination, so if a book is 450 pages in print, it is 450 pages in the ebook format. If this is a challenge about the ability to hold a heavy book, I'd understand your rule. Since it seems to be about reading, I don't understand. I'm a librarian and I love print books, btw.

  44. I'm doing the Does This Page Make My Butt Look Big challenge. I'm starting with The Swan Thief then Wolf Hall. Looking forward to reading some new interesting titles.

  45. Definitely a reading challenge that I can't wait to get started on :)

  46. Just have to say that, the book I'm reading now, "Cloud Atlas", by David Mitchell, may be the best book I've read in years and years... whoa!

  47. This is my first time joining the challenge! I'm in at the Morbookly Obese level!

    Good on you sticking to the physical tomes! I used to stand out as an odd character in high school carrying around chunksters such as Battlefield Earth and Les Miserables. There's something about tackling the girth of a chunkster you just don't get on an e-reader. (And I've owned ereaders since years before the Kindle came out!)

  48. Yosarian: Ah, one of my favorite authors AND favorite books!!! Glad you are enjoying Cloud Atlas so much - Mitchell is a brilliant writer!

    Matt: Welcome to the challenge and thanks for your support re: the e-book rule!!! I was an odd character in high school too...I've always lugged chunksters around!

  49. Thanks for hosting this! I hope to read at least 6 chunksters this year so I will join at the Plump Primer level. I have 5 on my list already, these are:
    The Dome
    The Terror
    Lonesome Dove
    The Girl Who Played With Fire
    Pillars of the Earth

  50. Came upon this site via a link in Salon magazine -- just for the record.

    Now, I'm all for people -- including myself -- reading chunksters, and for cloud-source (or whatever one calls it) book recommendations, but this whole sign-up for a reading challenge smacks of lame pedagogy of the grade-school level. And certainly seems like reading for the wrong reason(s).

    By all means, good people, read some thick tomes; it beats the hell out of tv and Hollywood product. By why do you have to do it in such an on-your-sleeve kind of way? Read for your own entertainment, escapism and/or edification -- just as one should exercise for one's self, rather than to compete against others for vainglorious reasons.

    While I have your attention, I recommend the classics. But skip Jane Austen and Ernest Hemingway; both are highly overrated.

    That is all.

  51. B Woods: Of course you are entitled to your opinion...but I wonder why it was so important to come here and just trash what we are doing. If you don't like reading challenges, don't do them. Why criticize those who are having fun with them? And why is this "reading for the wrong reason?" What exactly is a good reason to read? No one is competing against each other here...we're simply setting reading goals and going for it...and sharing our thoughts with other readers. I have no idea why you would object to that unless you are just having fun being the schoolyard bully.

  52. I never read long books so I'm keen!

  53. Yay!! This was the last challenge that I was waiting for! My 2011 Challenge list is now complete! I'm signing up for the "Mor-book-ly Obese" level and can't wait for the start of February to get going on it!

    I really enjoyed doing it last year (even though I signed up really late) and I'm looking forward to it this year!

  54. More book ly obese.....

    First thing on my mind is Mushahi by Eijii Yoshikawa. 970 pages

  55. This will be my first time participating in the chunkster challenge and I am going to do the plump primer. My first book is Don Quixote. The other books I will be reading are:
    Villette by Charlotte Bronte
    East of Eden by John Steinbeck
    Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
    The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
    What is the What by Dave Eggers

  56. Please remove name 62. Carol-Anne. I reposted my link as I believe I made the cardinal error of linking to my main blog page instead of my post. I signed up again (correctly, I hope) as Reading Geek.

  57. I started the new year with a 'War and Peace' read-along, so going for the chunkster challenge seemed only natural! :) I'm going for the title of "chubby chunkster". Happy reading!

  58. All fixed readinggeek! Thanks for the heads up :)

  59. So I just created a blog so I could join this. I love a challenge so I'm going for Mor-book-ly Obese.

  60. Hi
    I would like to join in on this challenge. I don't have a blog, so will just post here .I am new to the book challenges,so not very updated on how they work . I'll read through all the above instructions ,then pick out some books that will" fit ". Put me down for the 6 Chuny books .
    Thank you very much !

  61. I'm sorry, I also made the mistake of signing up from the main page--I've resubmitted my link above, if you could just take down #70.


  62. I've never tried a book challenge before and it sounds like fun. I'd like to try the "chubby challenge" thanks

  63. Glad to see you all here!

    Illiterate Peanut: I've deleted that link for you :)

  64. hello. does it matter if some books are translated ? I'm, asking this because I'm looking forward to signing in, but some of my readings will be in Romanian (my native language) and I want to know if they count. if it's OK, I would like to participate on level 3- Do These Books Make my Butt Look Big - category :) I will begin with Gone with the wind (in Romanian - Pe aripile vantului) and continue with Fall of Giants (Ken Follet - in English)- both of them are over 750pag - I don't have a blog

  65. We'll see how this goes. Thank you to Laura Miller for the heads up.

  66. the blog is brand new and up, I'll see how this works.

  67. Lumi: The language in which the book is written makes no difference at all! Welcome to the challenge :)

  68. I would like to join but not going to blog about it. This is for me only.

  69. Kristen: That's totally fine! Hope you'll enjoy the challenge :)

  70. Sounds good as I was already doing something like this anyway! Take a look at my booklist at The Year of Difficult Reading:


  71. I think I go for Chubby Chunkster.

  72. OK...going for Do These Books Make My Butt Look Fat (er)? First Up, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Cheers to the group!

  73. Oooppsss...a mind slip....Make My Butt Look Big!

  74. I'll do a Chubby Chunkster this year. Sounds like fun!

  75. I have signed up for the Chubby Chunkster Level.
    Looking forward to this challenge. Thanks much for hosting!

  76. I'm going to do the Mor-book-ly Obese Level. Can't wait!

    Haven't completely finalised my list yet - it will include the new Wheel of Time book in November, War and Peace, The Blind Assassin, Wolf Hall, and The Land of Painted Caves in March. Looking forward to it :)


  77. I think i will go for the chubby chunkster and if i do more then hey thats a good thing!

    Really looking forward to it and found some books on my shelve i now have a reason to read!!

  78. Hi - I want to sign up for this, dont have a blog tho...I will post my book list later. happy reading TO ALL!

  79. Mor-book-ly Obese I think... Signing up for this challenge is kind of an annual highlight. Thanks Wendy!

  80. Hi Wendy,
    Congrats on putting in the physical tome rule. I dont have a blog...may I sign up? Im planning on 6 chunksters - that's the Plump Primer. I'll come back and post my list as a comment...if thats ok?

  81. Just signed up myself ... I've got a few chunky books ... so this challenge should get me reading them. LOL.

  82. Hi RaSharei, you do not need a blog to participate :) You are welcome to list your books as a comment. Welcome to the challenge!

  83. I am being a little timid, and joining at the Chubby Chunkster level. Love the names of the levels, by the way!

  84. I'm going to go for the Chubby Chunkster level too, as think it might encourage me to read a couple of others I'm meant to be reading!

  85. I just signed up for The Plump Primer level :) Thanks for hosting!

  86. Ok, I'm in. I'm doing the Chubby Chunkster. I was thinking of going larger, but I have recently fallen for a girl, so I have a bit less time on my hands. I'm starting with "The Diamond Age" by Neil Stephenson, which is barely a chunkster weighing in at only 455 pages. This ought to be fun!

  87. Do These Books Make my Butt Look Big?

  88. Hi all,
    I'm aiming for the Plump primer level. My tentative booklist is:
    1. The Gargoyle-A Davidson-Contemporary (465: just made it!)
    2. The quality of Mercy-F Kellerman-Elizabethan intrigue (594)
    3. Cuckold-K Nagarkar-Genre historical (610)
    4. Anna Karenina (Wordsworth edition) - L Tolstoi-Russian saga (808)
    5. Vanity Fair-W Thackeray-Social satire-959

    I haven't yet decided on book 6, although I'm veering towards the Name of the Rose. Is non-fiction allowed?


  89. RaSharei: Yes, non-fiction is allowed :)

  90. I shall go small with the Chubby Chunkster. Trying to diet this year.

  91. Here's the first of my Chunksters: http://bibliobloggin.blogspot.com/2011/02/lonesome-dove-by-larry-mcmurtry.html

  92. I already started, but forgot to *officially* sign up. I'm going for the Mor-book-ly Obese-- and to think, I was just recently whining to a friend about how skinny books are just too skinny. I love big books!

    I will add a profile and a blog when I get a chance... Thanks for hosting!

  93. I'm going for the Plump Primer level. This'll be fun!

  94. My earlier link was just a place holder. Today's link is for a real challenge post. Better late than never.

  95. I'm going conservative with the Chubby Chunkster. I wish we could upgrade because I think I might pull off the Plump Primer -- but Chubby it is for now.

  96. The second book has been dispatched with . . . well, dispatch:


  97. I'm going to try (I just started one).

  98. Just joined. I'm gonna try for chubby but I hope in the year I read more. I'm reading The Stand now so I know that counts.

  99. Plump Primer for me please :)

  100. I'm going for Mor-book-ly Obese. Shouldn't be a problem, based on last years

  101. I'm going for Mor-book-ly Obese! I just found out about this challenge today but I already have 3 counting towards this challenge that I read in February/beginning of March: Atlas Shrugged, The Swan Thieves, and Gone with the Wind. I look forward to reading another 5! :)

  102. I usually read quite a few books that would easily fit in to the category of ‘chunkster’. But each year I shrink from taking up the ‘Chunkster Challenge’. But not anymore! I’m going to take the leap this year and hopefully shall not fail. So, ‘Chunkster Challenge 2011’, here I come.

    But just to be on the safe side I'm doing the smallest possible challenge, “The Chubby Chunkster” with four books. Wish me luck!

  103. I've started late but I'm ready. :D

  104. Hmmm...I just came across this, and you know I'm not big on reading challenges. But I have been looking as some of the grand big books waiting for my attention, and maybe this is a good way to encourage myself to pick up some of them and dive in. So I'll be conservative, and try to finish The Chubby Chunkster Challenge before the end of January.

  105. I would love to join, hope I am not too late. I am going for plump primer.

  106. I'm doing the Mor-book-ly Obese....... 3/8 completed so far!

  107. Totally biting off more than I can chew.

  108. Okay Jo-Jo! I'm going for Mor-book-ly Obese. Should be a piece of cake for me!!

  109. I'm starting this so LATE!! And I'm going for the Mor-book-ly Obese challenge. Fingers crossed!

  110. I am starting this late. Do the Harry Potter books count?

    I am planning on doing the Chubby Chunkster.

  111. So I have read 3 Diana Gabaldon books: The Fiery Cross (979 pp), A Breath of Snow and Ashes (980 pp), and An Echo in the Bone (814 pp). I have also read Lisa Jackson-Running Scared (512 pp) and Barbara Delinsky- Suddenly (469 pp). 5 of my 8 down within a month! I have also read 20 other books, each having greater than 350 pages.

  112. almost over :) I've finished reading, i still have 4 more reviews to write and it's a winner :) I'm so happy! I've got
    Anna Karenina, To Kill a Mockingbird , House of Earth (Pearl Buck), Sophie's Choice, The Stonecutter (Camilla Lackberg)and The Book of Whispers by Varujan Vosganian.

  113. A late entry and my first reading challenge. Better start with chubby chunkster. Alycesuzanne

  114. Finished! I didn't stick to the list I put here earlier this year but enjoyed the ones I ended up reading! Will be back for the Mr. Linky for the wrap up.


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