Welcome to the Chunkster Reading Challenge - a challenge which satisfies those readers who like their books fat and chunky!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Review Link-Up

You guys are going strong with your reviews! Below is our newest Mr. Linky. If you read a book in April and are just now reviewing it, be sure to leave a link in this linky. We would love to read your review.


  1. I am sorry, I must have missed all the former posts about linking our chunky books. You said I could link up more than one, so I have added the first four I have read (out of eight so far) and will add more next month, if that's alright, don't want to blow up the whol May edition.

    Have a good weekend with lots of good reads, everyone,

    Marianne from Let's Read

  2. Mysteries of the Udolpho. Was good enough that I sped through it, as much as you can speed through roughly 700 pages.

  3. Just left a review of River of Smoke and I previously reviewed Sea of Poppies. These are 2 books of the planned trilogy and I enjoyed them both. It's a fascinating historical setting.

    1. I loved them, too. I read them in one go and can't believe the third one is not out, yet. :-(

      Marianne from Let's Read

  4. Just finally finished China Miéville's 'Perdido Street Station'! Oddly, I found the first half, which was a slower read, more amusing than the second half that went more quickly.

  5. Although this says there are 25 hours until the Linky expires, I think it must have already expired..... no link up. Anyway, I read S.

  6. Okay, I have one read and review ready for the June link up! Can't wait! Trying to tackle more of this challenge this month!


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